NEW! GunboundM! Review: 3 Reason to Play This Game

NEW! Gunboundm! Game Review
Yesterday, we have reviewed about the game called Gungun online in here, and we have told you about how it is a remade of Gunbound online which is the best turn best artillery game online. Well, we are sorry, we are wrong. After searching and trying, maybe the best and the newest of gunbound remade is the Gunboundm. Check them out!
â– GunboundM is a World-wide Player vs Player Game!
– You can ride on Battle-Mobile with various cannons and fight against other Player’s mobiles.
– The one team must be consisted of three different mobile types.
– Gunboundm supports Season competition and reward.
Gunboundm is made by the same developer that made the famous online game Gunbound which is Softnyx. This time, Softnyx collaborate with Dargom Studio to make the Gunboundm. Which is short for Gunbound Mobile. GunboundM is easy to play mobile artilery game. You will can play with over 15 battle mobile that have 3 weapon in each mobile game. Including the weapons, there are tons of varieties weapon that you could use to boost up your win rate.
There are tons of reason as to why the game is great, and here is some of the reason :
1. Good Graphic
There are tons of games that have high quality graphic, and Gunboundm is one of the best quality game that you can found.
2. Good Gameplay
Gunboundm is a turn based RPG games. You control a tank / mobile tank that could shoot different type of weapons depending on the tank. There are more than 10 tanks that you could control with a total 45 weapons to choose from. Each tank has their own lvl, that can affect your tank status. Try to win the battle to get enough experience for your tank.
Anyway, the first time you play the game you will get 7 different tank. There are some that can shoots lightning, some that can shoots black hole, some that can shot in the ground and some that can shots ice. Of course, the way you play will affect the game too. So, it is definitely a fun game to play.
3. Fast paced game
The game is pretty fast paced and can be done in about 5 – 10 minutes of your time. So, you could definitely play the game while waiting for bus, or while cooking some stuff.
So? What are you waiting for?! Download the game now to enjoy its greatness! Click the link below to download it
best artillery gameGunboundmmobile artilery game