By Jay / / Android Games News

The Global release of Errant Soul Hunter is hyping so many people because of its similarity with the famous Monster Hunter. Which is why there are so many people that are trying to find out some of its tips and tricks. Us has made some of the best tips and tricks so that you can play the game at ease.

Well, apart from those, in this game you will be able to use more than 5 weapon from Warblade, Greatsword, Bow, Staff, Dual Sword, Gauntlet and so on. However, there is going to be 1 more update of a weapon that will change your play style. It is called Rifle.

Rifle is the newest updates of Errant Soul Hunter weapon. It got the same effect as bow, but of course with a lot more control to use. It is like the combination of Errant itself with any FPS games like PUBG, Fortnite and so on. Of course with the same interface as the original game.

Like each of Errant skill there will be 3 skill that you can use. Each skill will have a different NPC player to learn with.


  • Can target any part easily.
  • Huge damage if you are close to the opponents.


  • Hard to get use to at first.
  • Needs reload first.
  • It is a waste for late gamers to use the riffle to hunt.
Errant Soul HunterErrant Soul Hunter NewsgamesRifleWeapon Updates
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