PUBG M Newest Season Update – New Weapon, Contents and Many More!

Since 2018, PUBG has made its way to the mobile platform and is going strong. Nowadays, you can see kids going around playing the games, and even adults love it. The game is also being updated regularly making it one of the best mobile Battle Royale game ever made.
The good news is that on their 7 season, the developer, Tencent is going to give you guys a lot more contents to explore from weapon, cosmetic item, to game play management system.
On the Season 7 update, we finally got a new weapon called Skorpion which falls in machine category, a new server for middle east player. And in the early season 7, they are going to implemented a new game play management system that will notify you, if you had played PUBG M for to long by giving you a pop up notification.
The best thing about this update is that you will be able to get a new royale pass with of course tons of new items that you can get after you finish up the mission. Apart from that, the Royale pass will also give you a new feature like EZ Missions license, a new cosmetics items like beard for your character, a new parachute, and many more.
If you your self haven’t download or played the game PUBG M, you can download it below!
gamesPUBG MPUBG M Update