React Kids Got Death Threats After Some Guy Post His Opinion on Keanu Reeves and Minecraft on Reddit

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and people are more welcome to debate with each other in regards to the opinion. But what is not cool is that people bashing someone just because their opinion didn’t match with others. Because of a post from ActionShock on Reddit the other day, A reactor kid in FBE called Jake (10 years old) is getting death threats from his opinion regarding Keanu Reeves, and Minecraft.
In the video above, a little kid called Jake has a different opinion regarding the actor Keanu Reeves and Minecraft. The kid said that Keanu Reeves doesn’t look like a legend, he looks like a weird dude addressing his glasses in the video (2:48 in the video), and Minecraft is actually a dead game (1:48 in the video).
ActionShock then made the kid’s opinion as a meme and posted it on Reddit on June 19th.
Since then the post has provoked a bunch of different users on Reddit saying that the kid should be burn, but there are also some users that think of it as a joke that shouldn’t be overly dramatized.
The user then got banned from the Reddit subscription because of the memes, and the comments that is pretty much divided into 3 sides, people that took it as a joke, people that took it seriously, and people that are defending the kid. ActionShock then thought that it was stupid as the user didn’t do anything to the kid himself and thought that the ban was unjustified.
But then, he notices that there is indeed bullying that is done to the kid because of the post he made, and because of that made a new post on how sorry he is on the previous post that he made.
After that ActionShock try to apologize to both the community on reddit and the kid himself via DM for all of the bullying that is done to him. However, the damage is literally done, and there is indeed bullying that is done to the child because of the single post that he did. Most people told him to kill himself, and there are almost a hundred of negative post that is sent to his DM every day.
Jake tried to explain to himself why he said his opinion. He said that he didn’t say anything bad about Keanu Reeves and only said that he didn’t look like a legend because he looked young and legends are usually old. For the Minecraft comment, he thinks that people didn’t really play Minecraft anymore and because of that he said it that way.
He is sorry for the huge mistake that he said in the video, and hope that the people that are giving him negative comments could stop in his post and with the hashtag #staypositive #imjustakid #reddit #stopbullying.
Like we had said earlier, people are entitled to their opinion, and it is okay to have a different opinion. It is only natural. It is healthy to have a discussion, but it is not okay to bash others because of that. Take a while to think and what your action can do to the other person, we can’t undo what has been done and regret might come later…..
BashingCyber bullyingKeanu reevesMinecraftReactReddit