By Jay / / Android Apple Games News

The newest event of Mobile Legends will give you a free lapu – lapu skin. Considering the skin tier is special and will give a new effect and animation. The skin is one of the most have skin on mobile legends for freemium user. The event itself is pretty self explanatory, however if you by chance didn’t know what to do to get the free skin. Then i recommend that you guys check out our explanation here in the article below.

1. Open Mobile Legends apps, and Locate the Event tab

Click on the event tab that is available in the user interface in the front of Mobile Legends.

2. Locate the ‘Get Free Skin’ Event tab!

On the ‘Get Free Skin’ Tab, you will see an Image of Esmeralda with a notice on Free Permanent Skin. Click on Go Now, and you will be directed to the event page.

3. Click on The ‘Assemble Heroes’ Tab to Invite Your Friends

To get the skin, you will need to collect 120 Medals that can be obtained by sending friends invitation. If you total it all, you will need around 300 invitation send. Simply click on the Assemble Warriors and click the Assemble FB Friends. There you will be given the option to login to your facebook account, and then you can select your facebook friends to invite them.

Tips : you can select 99 Friends first, and click send, afterwards send another 100. This will help you send approximately 199 Invites in one day, which means that you only need 3 days to get your 500 invites and all of the rewards.

4. Exchange the medal for skins

After finishing the invite, click on the Redeem skins to get the reward or the free skins. You can then choose to get the lapu – lapu, the reward for odette sticker, or even the border. But you can get everything by simply inviting 500 of your friends.

This event will last from 9 th August until 25 th August. If you are interested in the event, you can do by downloading the game and playing it during the event.

See other mobile legends tips, or mobile legends news in roonby, or our website in general for daily inspiration!

Lapu - Lapu Free SkinLapu - Lapu VulcanMobile Legend Tips and TricksMobile LegendsMobile Legends EventMobile Legends Free EventMobile Legends Lapu - lapuMoontonTutorial Lapu - Lapu Free Skin Mobile Legend
About Jay
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