Bulldog Blocker – Block Porn and Filter Your Internet for Your Children!

There is a reason why people are afraid of the internet. Although it is fun to use, it is not safe, especially for children. If you don’t want your children to be influenced by that kind of content early on. Then you might want to filter it from your child. Sure you can do it easily on PC, but can you also do it on your phone?
Well, of course, you can, by using one of the newest Porn blockers that can filter your internet from your child called Bulldog Blocker!
Despite the name, Bulldog Blocker is a simple and good internet filter that can block pornographic websites you choose. It can also be used to block any app that you want easily. Bulldog Blocker can even protect your phone from malware, spyware, and phishing site without any problem.
There are many features built-in this app from locking the filter with pin protection, time delay, or even by requiring permission from someone else remotely. If you are looking for more protection for your family. This is definitely an app for you.
This high-quality app costs around 1$ for your first 3 months which is really cheap if it for your child safety.
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appsBulldog BlockerFilter Website AppInternet Child SafetyPorn Blocking AppSave your child app