Mobile Legends Heroes, Benedetta – OP Assassins with Crowd Control Immunity!

Finally, Moonton released a new hero after Yu Zhong in the advanced server. This new hero has the ability to dash, stop crowd control skills, and immune to some damage. Benedetta is the name! Benedetta is the newest assassin that will come to Mobile Legends in the next patch update.
As you can see in the video above, Benedetta is one of the most OP heroes in the next patch update. She has in total of 4 skills that can kill her enemies with ease. Her unique ability is her ability to hold her basic attack, charge it up, and release it in a massive dash that can deal physical damage.
Her first skill can deal double damage, she will pull back for a bit, leaving her shadow that will deal damage in a fan shape area and then thrust forward to deal more damage.
Her second skills can be used to block one damage, and have an effect of crowd control immunity. Afterward, she will dash to the targeted area, dealing damage and slowing the enemies down. If she blocks a stun, the other person will also get stunned instead of slow.
Now, for her ultimate, she will dash forward like Lancelot, and then leaves behind a trail of blades that will kill her enemies in the path while slowing them down.
She is one heck of an OP hero that has almost everything that we want in an assassin. A quick dash to roam, block damage, immune cc, and many more!
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BenedettaBenedetta Mobile LegendsBenedetta SkillsgamesMobile LegendsMobile Legends New HeroesMobile Legends NewsMoonton