2 New Hero Skin Mobile Legends Leaks by Moonton!

Hero skin is probably one of the most expensive skins in Mobile Legends. Even more than the Legends skins that can only be obtained by spinning magic wheel or diamond vault. The skin will change all of the hero’s skill icon, design, and skill effect overall. Lastly because it is limited the skin is highly seeks by other that are late to play the game, and right now there are currently 2 new hero skin in the works Mobile Legends by Moonton.
Esmeralda will be getting one of the hero tag skins with her own tight latex suits that make her look not only cool but also sexy at the same time.
Our new favorite mage hero Vale will also gets his own hero tag skins. The design looks pretty similar to storm from xmen or other hero with the same series.
If you are interested in these skins, then please save your money because they are going to be pretty expensive! Mobile Legends Moonton will be releasing new skins in February, if you are interested in that, then check out the skins here!
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