Mobile Legends Selena Double Identity Fragment Skin is Finally Released on Fragment Shop!

Starlight Mobile Legends skin is probably one of the rarest skin in Mobile Legends. If you miss the skin, then good luck waiting for it in the next few years. The worst part about this is that it can only be bought by Skin Fragment Shop / the pink fragment shop in Mobile Legends store. This is why, the older skin is highly seeks especially by their players. One of which are the Selena Double Identity Fragment skins that are both cool and beautiful looking.
The skin is going to cost you 200 skin fragment much like any other starlight shop skins. For those that had already save up your skin fragment then congratulation because you can finally bought her. This selena skin is going to change her form to a cute little maid with a second cyborg form. It will change the color of her skins making her the perfect assassins that could snipe and stun you in the long run.
If you are interested in buying the skins, then do check out our article regarding the rare fragment guide to get the pink fragment easily! This update is going to come soon with the release of Yve in February 2021.
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androidDouble IdentityiOSMobile LegendsSelenaSkins