Mobile Legends STUN Chou Price!

Moonton is going to be releasing new Mobile Legends skin Group, aside from its usual skin which is Elite, Epic, Collector, Special and Legends. The skin is going to be called STUN (Chou, Selena, Broddy), and many people had been wondering about its price. It is because this skin looks really good, it will immediately changes most of the heroes idle animation, and skill effect.
Today, we have found out that the Chou STUN Skin price from one of the trusted leakers in Mobile Legends. It is said that, this skin is worth 899 diamonds, and is going to get a discount when it is first released to 629 Diamonds. This skin is worth less than any of the legends skin in Mobile Legends, but it’s animation and skill effect is not inferior with the latter. This skin is going to be released on 27 April.
Sadly, we didn’t have any information regarding the Selena STUN skin, and the Broddy Stun skin prices, but if we follow the Mobile Legends Pattern with this skin, it is not going to be that expensive, as any other skin in Mobile Legends.
Also, if you follow the Mobile Legends 515 Unite skin event, you will also get another free skin by Mobile Legends which is the Harith Fashion expert skin. So definitely login and play the game!
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