Selling Hacks and Cheat, Genshin Impact Imprisoned 3 People for 4 Years!

3 individuals were sentenced to 4 years in jail for illegally manufacturing and distributing Genshin Impact hacks and cheats in Xuhui, Shanghai. Zhou mou, Sun Mousi, and Yao Moubing were detained at the beginning of June 2021 in the country’s Xuhui District on suspicion of selling more than 40,000 plug-in cards and making a profit of 2 million yuan.
Based on the court’s ruling, the sale of this Genshin Impact cheat has happened for one year, from October 2020 to May 2021 to be exact, and HoyoVerse, who felt cheated, has finally filed a police investigation. According to the court, the defendant, Zhou Mou, negotiated with Sun Mousi and Yao Moubing to get Genshin Impact-related data in order to create their cheat.
This event did irreparable harm to the fairness of Genshin Impact, and they claim that it diminished the playing experience for other fans. As a result, this game designed by Hoyoverse likewise incurs significant losses. The defendant was ultimately sentenced to four years in jail when Genshin’s party eventually notified the Xuhui district police to begin an investigation.
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