By Jay / / Games

IAP is nothing new in mobile games, especially in Mobile Legends. A game made by Moonton that is pretty popular around the world. The game itself has made plenty of IAP, for example skins that you can buy, respawn effect, and many more.

But the skins feature is something else, it is so popular! Moonton made a weekly to annual monthly skin release in Mobile Legends. And the newest feature regarding the skins is installment system to buy the skin. Moonton will now implement an installment system to buy their skin.

In this image, you will see that you can get an installment on Claude Golden Bullet skin which is normaly 200ish diamond. You can apply for the installment plan by paying 55 diamond at front to buy the trial skin. After that for a month you will be ask to pay the second installment which is around 65 Diamond, and the third.

You can use the trial skin of the chosen hero the first time you apply for the installment plan. However, if you fail to pay up the skin, it will be lost including the first 55 diamond that you had use.

After paying the third installment plan or the full price of the skin. You will then be able to get the skin permanently.

Do NOTE, that the skin that you use won’t necessarily impact your game play in all sense. Although it will give you a little bit of HP, attack, or magic power boost you won’t necessarily be more powerful in any sense. Even you guys have seen that a legend skin user got a bronze badge right?

So practice more in the game rather than buying skins to show off your character.

gamesInstallment System To Buy SkinsMobile LegendsMoonton
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