Ragnarok Mobile Guide | How to Get Time Quicksand Hourglass for 4th Job Origin Skills Luoyang EP 7.0

In the recent updates of Ragnarok Mobile Eternal Love, Luoyang Map, and more monster have been released on the game. But not only that, there are many other contents that you can get from that update including the new 4th Job of your Ragnarok Character class that you can choose.
However, to increase the skill of your 4th job, you will need to get an item called Time Quicksand (Hourglass) in the game. So here’s one of the guide to get Time Quicksand (Hourglass) in Ragnarok Mobile! Check it out!
1. Daily Quest (Wasteland Area)
One of the easiest way to get the Time Quicksand (Hourglass) is by completing 4 Daily Quest on Wasteland. It will earn you around 500x Time Quicksand (Hourglass). The daily quest will be marked on your mini-map as a blue exclamation mark.
2. Wasteland Elite Monster
In the new farming area of the map around Luoyang. Especially in the Wasteland Map, there are around 20 or more unique elite monsters that can be killed. It will show up as a blue star on your map. If you are able to defeat them for the first time, you will be able to get 500x Time Quicksand (Hourglass) for free. In total, you will earn a total of 10,000x Time Quicksand easily without any problems.
3. Farm and Exchange your Mats
The material that you get from the monster around the new Luoyang farming area can be exchange for an extra Time Quicksand (Hourglass). Mats like Maple Agate, Wilderness Dust, and Ancient Remains can be exchanged with Time Quicksand. However to do this, you will need to unlock the divine spirit tree and the ancient furnace tree node.
4. Treasure Chest
Treasure chests are scattered across the map, and you will be able to open it for wasteland mats. As the previous tips, you can exchange mats for Time Quicksand (Hourglass), just keep an eye for the treasure chest when you are exploring!
5. Quest
The first time you unlock the spirit tree revival quest, you will be given 2000 Time Quicksand. Aside from that there is also Wasteland Green Quest that will give you 300 Time Quicksand, EP 7.0 Kafra Adventure Log that will give you 2000 Quicksand, and lastly if you reach level 7 of mini-games then you will get 1,500 Quicksand per game.
Hopefully, this tips will be able to help you easily find the Time Quicksand for you to increase your skill level overall. Good luck!
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gamesRagnarok MobileRagnarok Mobile Eternal LoveRagnarok Mobile GuideRagnarok Mobile LuoyangRagnarok Mobile Time QuicksandTime Quicksand Hourglass