By Jay / / 2022 Featured Games Mobile Legends

Since the presence of Terizla, who recently got a pretty good buff in the MOBA Mobile Legends game, Land of Dawn has had a hard time dealing with the hammer fighter. The buff increases the speed of each hit of Terizla’s 2nd skill and blocks other heroes from giving stun to block the hammer attack from the fighter hero.

His ability to clear the lane, and deal more damage in the early game is what makes him so overpowered. From there, here are some heroes who, although not popular right now, can actually counter Terizla in the Early games and Mid Game Mobile Legends!

4 Counter Hero for Terizla Mobile Legends Moonton!

1. Lunox

Counter Terizla

Lunox’s popularity has plummeted since Moonton’s nerf a while back, but like wanting to eliminate META Tanker, Lunox gets a buff. The buff increases the amount of damage dealt based on the enemy’s health. The greater the existing health, the more damage Lunox deals. This is what makes Lunox the most potent Terizla counter.

2. Thamuz

Counter Terizla

Thamuz is a mobile legends hero who is not widely known but has high damage due that will by pass Terizla damage reduction to its true damage effect, as well as strong mobility. Furthermore, when you have the ultimate, Thamuz has a high health regen effect that can increase your chances of surviving the hero’s burst damage.

3. Karrie

Counter Terizla

Karrie Mobile Legends is a marksman hero who, while not widely popular nowadays, can be an effective counter to Terizla. Mainly because many players nowadays prefer Beatrix, Moscov, and so on. Karrie’s second skill ability grants her high mobility and passive to deal true damage on her enemies. Both of them can be combined into anti-Terizla skills that has slow movement speed and a passive that reduces existing damage.

4. Xborg

Counter Terizla

XBorg, despite being nerfed, is one of Terizla’s annoying counter heroes. Xborg has ranged damage without any mana by using his first skill, as well as the ability to deal true damage by slowing the already slow Terizla’s movement speed. Its armour can also be used to reduce the effects of burst damage and provide extra life for laning safely. Spam all of his skills, be annoying!

Those are 4 unpopular heroes who can counter the META Tanker Terizla Mobile Legends which are currently rampant. What do you think? What heroes or items can help you in overcoming META Terizla?

Also read:

How to Play Mobile Legends on PC:

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