By Jay / / 2022 Games Tips

Tower of Fantasy Guide, Magnetic Rod and Maglev Stalker are the two items required to construct one of Tower of Fantasy’s few secret vehicles. The Chaser can only be unlocked if the player manages to combine the two required pieces. However, many players do not know how to obtain the last item in the open-world MMORPG, therefore we will share information on how to obtain both of them.

Tower of Fantasy Guide – How to get Magnetic Rod:

Tower of Fantasy Guide

Magnetic Rod is an item that can be found in a definite location in the Tower of Fantasy, and players can find it in Astra, north of the map, where you can find a towering tower. Above it, there will be Supply Pod 2 which contains the Magnetic Rods that you are looking for.

Tower of Fantasy Guide – How to Get Maglev Stalker:

Tower of Fantasy Guide

Maglev Stalker might be a little hard to get. This item is a rare drop that can only be obtained in certain locations, where players must kill the Vermin Brothers and pray to get the item. Here are the locations are:

  • Rat’s Den in the southeastern portion of Astra.
  • Mt. Woochu in the Banges region, at Rat’s Den: Jed.
  • Along the coast of northwest Banges, near Loen Dock.

You have to rotate to these 3 places, kill hundreds or if you are lucky 1 vermin brother to get a Maglev Stalker drop. After that, you can only get The Chaser vehicle that many people are looking for. That’s all for Tower of Fantasy Guide to make The Chaser and get Magnetic road or Maglev Stalker in the MMORPG Game.

About Tower of Fantasy:

Tower of Fantasy is a free-to-play open-world action role-playing game created by Perfect World subsidiary Hotta Studio. The game takes place in the far future on the planet of Aida, which has been tainted with a mysterious but potent radioactive energy known as Omnium following a catastrophe that nearly wiped out human civilization and changed the planet’s biosphere.

The game is released on androidiOS, and PC!

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